The 8 Point Approach

When it comes to rejuvenating your look, it’s the sum of all parts that influences what the eye sees. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we tend to pay attention to our hair, eyes and lips. All of which are important to our overall look, but they don’t give us the full picture.


It’s important to consider the total look, and identify the key areas, to understand the ageing process.


The 8 Point Approach will help you get to know eight distinct areas that can enhance the attractiveness of the face. Crucially, it’s the soft tissue volume in each of these eight areas that gives female faces their youthful, smooth curves; and gives male faces their strength and structure.


By replacing volume at these key points we can rejuvenate and enhance feminine curves or restore masculine architecture to the face.


To learn about how your face may be changing, and to find out more about The 8 Point Approach, see our Quick Guide to the 8 Key Areas for Women or our Quick Guide to the 8 Key Areas for Men. Simply fill in the linked form, print out your results & make an appointment with one of our clinicians to discuss.